Wields a gurka with agile precision... winner of an SAFD examiner's award for excellence in hand-to-hand stage combat… track and field veteran… fire arms savy… owns a single sword and knows how to use it! But, don't take my word for it...
"Cindy was a blessing! Polite, professional and an acute sense of character. She added depth to a role that would most likely have been lost if it was played by another actress."
-Chris LaMartina, Midnight Crew Studios, Baltimore, MD
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Screams
"Cindy Marie Martin's [Mary] is complex, interesting, and emotionally believable mostly due to Cindy Marie's talent and sophisticated performance."
-Heidi Martinuzzi,
Women's Studies Review
"Not only is Cindy Martin an incredibly talented actor, but she is the kind of actor you always want in your cast. I have directed Cindy twice, and she is the consummate professional: always ready and willing to jump in and try anything, and always far more prepared than I would expect or hope."
-Christopher Niebling, DC-area Theatre Director

The Matchmaker - Teaser Trailer